
Committee for University Ethics and Professional Deontology

Associate Professor Dr. habil. Nicoleta Demian

Assistant Lecturer Dr. Alexandra Denisa Ionescu

Associate Professor Dr. Cipriana Gavrișiu
Horațiu Jilovan – Representative of the ANMGD Union
Anca Pieptănatu – Student
Sabina Constantin – Student
Gabriela Groza – Lawyer

Committee for Quality Assessment and Assurance

Professor Dr. habil. Iulia Suciu

Vice President:
Associate Professor Dr. Tatiana Oltean

Union Representative:
Associate Professor Dr. Mira Gavriș

ID Representative:
Associate Professor Dr. Alina Stan

DSPP Representative:
Associate Professor Dr. Alina Stanciu

EPN Representative:
Associate Professor Dr. Kallo Ildiko

Employer Representative:
Professor Dacian Cesa Goje (S. Toduță College)

Student Representative:
Șușman Bianca

Committee for Verification of the Fulfillment of Mandatory Minimum Standards for Academic and Research Competitions

Professor Dr. Nelida Nedelcuț (FT) – President

Professor Dr. habil. Cristan Bence-Muk (FT)
Associate Professor Dr. habil. Lucian Ghișa (FT)
Professor Dr. habil. Iulia Suciu (FIM)
Associate Professor Dr. Sorina Georgescu (FIM)
Associate Professor Dr. Melinda Beres (FIM)