Faculty of Musical Performance
Assoc. Prof. Liviu Claudius Deac, Ph.D.
Department of String, Wind, and Percussion Instruments
Director: Assoc. Prof. Maria-Sorina Georgescu, Ph.D.
Department of Keyboard Instruments and Instrumental Ensembles
Director: Prof. Erich Michael Türk, Ph.D.
Department of Singing and Musical Performing Arts
Director: Assoc. Prof. Mira Gavriș, Ph.D.
Theoretical Faculty
Assoc. Prof. Lucian Ghișa, Habil. Ph.D.
Department of Musicology
Director: Lect. Péter Kóter, Ph.D.
Department of Musical Composition and Conducting
Director: Assoc. Prof. Mihaela Cesa-Goje, Ph.D.
Piatra Neamț Extension
Director: Assoc. Prof. Constantin Andrei, Ph.D.
Department of Distance Learning and Part-Time Education
Director: Assoc. Prof. Ciprian-Gabriel Pop, Ph.D.
Department of International Relations
Director: Oana Bălan-Budoiu
Department of Specialized Psychopedagogical Profile
Director: Assoc. Prof. Diana Elena Sârb, Ph.D.