For Romanian citizens, ethnic Romanians, and Romanian citizens residing abroad (*) with undergraduate (**) /master’s studies completed in Romania, the necessary documents for registration for the doctoral admission examination are as follows:
– Application form specifying the field, type, and form of the doctorate and the preferred doctoral supervisor
– Professional Curriculum Vitae, prepared according to art. 15, point 1 of the Regulation and admission examination procedures for doctoral university studies and based on the Evaluation Grid of the candidate’s professional CV, from Annex 2 of the Regulation
– European CV (Europass model)
– Doctoral research project related to the doctoral theme, printed in a single copy, and the project in electronic format (PDF)
– List of scientific papers, artistic creations, and/or interpretative repertoire
– Birth certificate (original and copy)
– Identity card (original and copy)
– Marriage certificate, in case of name change (original and copy)
– High school diploma (original and copy)
– Bachelor’s degree and corresponding transcript (original and copy)
– Master’s degree and corresponding transcript, for candidates who have completed this university level (original and copy)
– Receipt proving payment of the registration fee for the admission examination
– A4 Envelope folder
* Candidates from the Republic of Moldova, Republic of Albania, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Ukraine, Republic of Hungary, and the Diaspora.
** Art. 8 of the Regulation regarding the admission examination for doctoral university studies.
*** Competency testing for English and Italian languages can also be done at ANMGD during the candidate registration period.
For foreign citizens from non-EU third states (****), the necessary documents for registration for the doctoral admission examination are as follows:
– Application for the issuance of the letter of acceptance to studies, completed in all sections, in two copies (see Annex 5.2. of the Regulation and admission procedures for doctoral university studies)
– Professional Curriculum Vitae CV, prepared according to art. 15, point 1 of the Regulation and admission examination procedures for doctoral university studies and based on the Evaluation Grid of the candidate’s professional CV, from Annex 2 of the Regulation
– Doctoral research project related to the doctoral theme, printed in a single copy, and the project in electronic format (PDF)
– List of scientific papers, artistic creations, and/or interpretative repertoire
– High school diploma (or equivalent) – copy and certified translation, in two copies
– Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) – copy and certified translation, in two copies
– Master’s degree (or equivalent) – copy and certified translation, in two copies
– Transcripts (diploma supplements) related to the completed studies – copies and certified translations
– Birth certificate – copy and certified translation, in two copies
– Passport copy – valid for at least 6 months after the date the letter of acceptance to studies is issued
– A document from the consular service of the candidate’s country of origin, indicating the correct spelling of the candidate’s name in Latin characters
– Medical certificate (in an international language) stating that the person applying for studies does not suffer from contagious diseases or other conditions incompatible with the future profession
– Language proficiency certificate (with international recognition, obtained in the last two years)
– Certificate attesting knowledge of the Romanian language or the diploma of completion of the preparatory Romanian language course
– Declaration that the candidate is aware that if the documents are found to be inappropriate, they will be expelled without a refund of the tuition fees paid
– Receipt proving payment of the registration fee for the admission examination
– A4 Envelope folder
**** Romanian students from everywhere