Sigismund Toduță Doctoral School


In 1938, composer and musicologist Sigismund Toduță obtained the title of Doctor in Musicology at the Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra in Rome, a prestigious institution that still operates today under the direct auspices of the Holy See. Toduță’s work was a complex musical analysis of an Italian Renaissance musical manuscript, which he discovered, transcribed, studied, and interpreted. Copies of this manuscript, his doctoral thesis, and the certificates and titles awarded by the Pontifical Institute are housed in the archive of the Cluj Music Academy.

Based on the foundational memorandum initiated by Sigismund Toduță and his doctoral diploma, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the Doctorate in Musicology in 1968, the first Romanian doctoral school in the field, operating within the “Gheorghe Dima” Conservatory of Music in Cluj.

In accordance with the practices of the time, this doctorate was one of consecration, exceptionally selective regarding the quality of research, themes, scope, scientific character, originality of ideas, and comprehensive vision. It was a scientific doctorate, titled Doctorate in Musicology. Among those who obtained the title of Doctor in Musicology at the Cluj doctoral school founded and led by Sigismund Toduță between 1970 and 1990 were nationally and internationally recognized figures in Romanian composition and musicology. After 1990, some of them founded doctoral schools at the National University of Music in Bucharest (1990) and the “George Enescu” University of Arts in Iași (1997).



Currently, doctoral studies are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the National Education Law no. 1/2011 and the Code of Doctoral Studies, H.G. no. 681/2011.

The Gheorghe Dima Music Academy is an institution authorized to organize doctoral programs (I.O.S.U.D.), encompassing the “Sigismund Toduță” Doctoral School. It organizes and conducts scientific and professional doctoral programs, awarding the title of Doctor in Music.

Doctoral studies represent the third cycle of university studies offered by the Gheorghe Dima Music Academy, aiming to develop competencies in scientific research/artistic creation. Doctoral studies allow the acquisition of a level 8 qualification within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the National Qualifications Framework, ensuring the ability to enter the highly qualified labour market.


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