Master’s degree studies ensure the expansion of the knowledge acquired during undergraduate studies, the development of research capacities, and constitute a mandatory preparatory basis for doctoral studies.
The Gheorghe Dima Music Academy, through the Faculty of Musical Performance, organizes the following master’s degree programs:
Master in Arts – Music, specialization in Musical Performance:
1. String Instruments
2. Wind Instruments and Percussion
3. Piano – Organ
4. Vocal Studies
Master’s degree studies: 2 years, full-time courses, 120 credits, accredited program.
Master in Arts – Music, specialization in Performing Arts:
1. Musical Theatre Direction
2. Choreographic Direction
3. Choreographic Pedagogy – Choreology
Master’s degree studies: 2 years, full-time courses, 120 credits, accredited program.
Graduates with a master’s degree who have also completed the 2nd DPPD module can access high school and university teaching positions.
Starting from the academic year 2024-2025, ANMGD proposes the inclusion in the educational offer of the master’s degree program in CHOREOLOGY, which will have a duration of 2 years – 120 credits.
The qualification title will be Master in Choreology, field of master’s degree: Theatre and Performing Arts, and the qualification level is master’s degree – level 7 EQF, according to the National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education (RNCIS).
The mission of the Master’s degree program in Choreology is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of dance art who possess a high intellectual level, advanced professional culture, and choreological knowledge that allows them to adapt to the challenges of the dance art field.
Occupations offered through the Master’s degree program in Choreology will be in full accordance with the actual demand on the labour market: choreologist (ESCO code: 2653.1.1), ballet master (COR code: 265304), dance master (COR code: 265306).
Studiile universitare de Masterat asigură aprofundarea cunoştinţelor dobândite pe parcursul studiilor de licenţă, dezvoltarea capacităţilor de cercetare şi constituie o bază pregătitoare obligatorie pentru studiile doctorale.
Academia de Muzică „Gheorghe Dima” organizează prin Facultatea de Interpretare Muzicală următoarele programe de studii universitare de masterat:
Masterat în arte – Muzică, specializarea Interpretare muzicală :
- Instrumente cu coarde
- Instrumente de suflat și percuție
- Pian – orgă
- Canto
Studii universitare de masterat: 2 ani, cursuri de zi, 120 de credite, program acreditat.
Masterat în arte – Muzică, specializarea Artele Spectacolului:
- Regie teatru muzical
- Regie coregrafică
- Pedagogie coregrafică – coreologie
Studii universitare de masterat: 2 ani, cursuri de zi, 120 de credite, program acreditat.
Absolvenţii cu diplomă de master care au parcurs şi modulul 2 DPPD pot accede în învăţământul liceal şi universitar.