Part-time Studies

The Bachelor’s degree program in Distance Learning is accredited to operate based on H.G. 158/29.03.2018. The curricula are approved by the Senate of the Music Academy and the Ministry of National Education, and they are identical in structure and credits to those of the Bachelor’s degree programs at the Gheorghe Dima Music Academy.
The teaching staff – course coordinators and tutors – are faculty members of the Gheorghe Dima Music Academy who conduct courses and seminars in the full-time format, in the specializations of the Theoretical and Musical Performance faculties.
The technical and administrative staff of the Gheorghe Dima Music Academy coordinates the administrative and financial activities of the Distance Learning and Part-Time Study Department (DIDFR); students enrolled in the Distance Learning format have access to the equipment and technical facilities of the Academy and have similar rights to those enrolled in the full-time education format.


Target Audience
The program is primarily aimed at teachers with incomplete qualifications, instrumentalists, and choristers in philharmonics or other artistic groups. It is also suitable for instrumentalists and singers without university studies from Philharmonics and Operas. Equally, it offers the possibility of musical education for those who wish to pursue a future career in this field: teachers, priests, musical instructors, etc.


1. Musical Performance (4 years)
– Instruments: Strings (violin, viola, cello, double bass, classical guitar, harp); Woodwinds and Brass; Piano, Harpsichord; Organ; Percussion instruments, Saxophone.
– Vocal Studies

2. Music (3 years)


Duration of Studies:
Musical Performance (Instruments / Singing) – 4 years, in a flexible format, not exceeding 5 years;

Music – 3 years, in a flexible format, not exceeding 4 years.


Program Directors:
Musical Performance – Assoc. Prof. Ramona Coman, PhD

Music – Assoc. Prof. Lucian Ghișa, PhD


Updated annually according to the following requirements:
– Enrolment costs (special fee);
– 10% – cost of educational materials (study manuals, guides, workbooks, etc.);
– 10% – cost of software packages, video/audio tapes, CDs, etc.;
– 5% – costs for the use of specific equipment necessary for the training process;
– 30% – cost of educational, tutorial, and administrative services;
– 5% – cost for the use of educational services provided by third parties, which are an integral part of the training process;
– 5% – costs for ensuring periodic face-to-face meetings and ongoing assessments, as part of the training process;
– 5% – costs for ensuring access through various IT means to the material resources of the institution and its partners;
– 10% – examination costs, according to internal regulations;
– 5% – overhead expenses;
– 15% – development expenses.