Based on O.M.EC.S no. 5745/13 September 2012, the Department of Speciality with Educational Psychology Profile organizes postgraduate courses for the 30-credit educational psychology study program – Level I (initial) certification for the teaching profession.
The course is intended for graduates with a bachelor’s degree in music who did not complete the Level I educational psychology study program during their undergraduate studies.
The fee amount is … lei and is payable in two instalments of … lei each.
Enrolment is done at the D.S.E.P. Secretariat based on a file that must contain the following documents:
– Copy of birth certificate
– Copy of identity card
– Copy of marriage certificate (if the name has changed)
– Notarized copies: bachelor’s degree diploma and academic transcript
– Copy of the tuition fee payment receipt
At enrolment, students will complete the study contracts.
Files must be submitted to the DSEP Secretariat by …
Courses will be held from … to …
Educational Psychology Study Program – Level I (initial)
List of Subjects
Year I: Educational Psychology, Pedagogy I (Fundamentals of Pedagogy; Curriculum Theory and Methodology)
Year II: Pedagogy II (Instruction Theory and Methodology; Evaluation Theory and Methodology), Didactics of the Specialization
Year III: Computer-Assisted Instruction, Pedagogical Practice in Compulsory Pre-University Education (1), Pedagogical Practice in Compulsory Pre-University Education (2), Classroom Management
Graduation Exam: Level I
Educational Psychology Study Program – Level II (advanced)
List of Subjects
Year I: Educational Psychology of Adolescents, Young Adults, and Adults, Educational Program Design and Management
Optional Package 1 (choose one subject): Educational Communication, Counselling and Guidance, Educational Research Methodology, Integrated Education, Psychology of Creativity – Musical Creativity and Sound Language, Psychological Techniques Applied in the Performing Arts*
Year II: Didactics of the Field and Developments in the Didactics of the Specialization (in high school, post-secondary, and university education), Pedagogical Practice (in high school, post-secondary, and university education)
Optional Package 2 (choose one subject): Sociology of Education, School Organization Management, Educational Policies, Intercultural Education, Contemporary Pedagogical Doctrines, Sound Metaphor in European Music**
Graduation Exam: Level II
*D.S.E.P.’s offer associated with the field of specialization
**D.S.E.P. will propose a subject associated with the field of specialization