
Students and graduates who choose the teaching profession are required to participate in the activities of the Department of Speciality with Educational Psychology Profile” (Art. 68 of the Education Law/1995).

Excerpt from O.MEd.C 4316/03.06.2008, Annex 1:

Art. 2:
(1) “Graduates of university studies can occupy teaching positions on the condition that they have completed and passed the educational psychology study program offered exclusively by the Departments of Speciality with Educational Psychology Profile D.S.E.P. (D.S.P.P.) in accredited educational institutions established according to the law.
(2) Certification for the teaching profession can be obtained at two levels, namely:
a) Level I (initial) – grants university graduates the right to occupy teaching positions in compulsory pre-university education, provided they have accumulated a minimum of 30 transferable credits from the educational psychology study program;
b) Level II (advanced) – grants university graduates the right to occupy teaching positions in high school, post-secondary, and university education, subject to two conditions:
– Accumulation of a minimum of 60 transferable credits from the educational psychology study program;
– Completion of a master’s program in the field of the bachelor’s degree.

Art. 8:
(1) Completion of the educational psychology study program offered by the D.S.E.P. results in obtaining the D.S.E.P. graduation certificate, corresponding to the level of the educational psychology study program completed.

Art. 3:
(1) The educational psychology study program offered by the D.S.E.P. is designed and applied in the system of transferable study credits.

Art. 12:
(2) The educational psychology study program offered by the D.S.E.P. can be followed either subsidized by the state budget or on a fee basis. The study regime within the D.S.E.P. is the same as that of the bachelor’s studies in which the student is enrolled.
(7) The rights and obligations of the student enrolled in the educational psychology study program, as well as their relationship with the university, are established by the study contract concluded with the D.S.E.P., according to the university’s internal regulations.”
The subjects of the curriculum for the educational psychology study program offered by the D.S.E.P. are provided in Annex 2 to O.MEd.C 4316/03.06.2008.


Enrolment in the D.S.E.P. is done simultaneously with enrolment in the first year of study, through a contract, at the D.S.E.P. Secretariat in A.N.M.G.D., Room 75.
For subsequent years of study, the candidate’s enrolment is also done at the beginning of each academic year.

The amount of the tuition fee is determined annually by the Senate of the “Gh. Dima” National Music Academy, depending on the specific costs of schooling. Students enrolled in fee-paying places (regardless of the form of education) will follow the D.S.E.P. courses also on a fee basis.
The tuition fee at the D.S.E.P. is calculated by multiplying the number of credits corresponding to the subject with the value of one credit.
The fee includes enrolment, courses, and the issuance of the Level I and Level II graduation certificates at the D.S.E.P.
Failure to pay the instalments by the end of the courses will result in the expulsion of the student, and consequently, they will not obtain the certificate for the teaching profession.