Piatra-Neamț Extension

The Piatra-Neamț Extension, an institutional structure of the “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy Cluj-Napoca, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth, and Sports, organizes bachelor’s degree studies recognized at the European level (specializations: Musical Pedagogy / Musical Interpretation). Operating under the auspices of the “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy Cluj-Napoca, the Piatra-Neamț Extension holds authority in the landscape of Romanian musical higher education. Graduates of the Piatra-Neamț Extension receive a bachelor’s degree that is compatible nationally and internationally. The study programs include optional modules designed to facilitate the socio-professional integration of graduates through competencies associated with the basic qualifications: music/instrument/singing teacher, instrument/folk singing, music informatics, jazz instrument/voice. The rigorously selected teaching staff ensures a high level of academic education; adherence to cultural values and a commitment to excellence are conditions offered and demanded of students.



– Library with reading room

– Tape library (video and tape library with listening room, viewing room, and multimedia lab)

– Audio-video recording and processing studio

– Computer lab with permanent Internet access

– Physical training room equipped with strength and fitness equipment

– Accommodation facilities within the affiliate branch provide students with 30 places


The artistic season of the Piatra-Neamț Extension, Vacanțele Musicale la Piatra-Neamț (Musical Vacations in Piatra-Neamț), the master classes, participation in the Extension ensembles (Chamber Choir, Chamber Orchestra, Traditional Music Ensemble Icoane Moldave, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble), or individually, in the national and international cultural projects of the “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy, offer students of the Piatra-Neamț Branch a favourable climate for professional performance. The richness of Neamț’s cultural and historical traditions, the beauty of the places and people, complete this climate.