Non-EU students

Eligibility Conditions:

Non-EU individuals who can access the national education system are those who:

1. Have documents proving their citizenship of the country of origin and are applying for studies in Romania on their own financial account;

2. Have study documents issued by recognized educational institutions in their country of origin;

3. Have submitted their application within the established deadline;

4. Have chosen a state or accredited private educational institution and an accredited specialization/study program;

5. Have the acceptance of the educational institution where they wish to study.

Specific Conditions:

– They must pass the aptitude tests organized for higher education in art, after receiving the acceptance letter for studies;

– They must pass the doctoral admission exam after receiving the acceptance letter for studies.

Foreign citizens from non-EU countries are enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate education only after completing the preparatory year or based on a certificate proving their knowledge of the Romanian language.

More details about the preparatory year:

Methodology for receiving foreign citizens from non-EU countries in accredited state and private education in Romania

List of higher education institutions organizing the preparatory year for learning Romanian

Enrolment in Undergraduate Studies

The application file should be submitted directly to the faculty where the studies are to be continued and must contain the following documents:

a) The application form for the issuance of the acceptance letter for studies, completed in all sections, in two copies;

b) The study document – a copy and a legalized translation – that allows access to the respective form of education (baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent);

c) Transcripts – copies and legalized translations – related to the completed studies and the analytical program, in the case of candidates requesting equivalence of study periods;

d) Birth certificate – copy and legalized translation;

e) Passport copy – valid for at least 6 months after the date of issuance of the acceptance letter for studies;

f) Medical certificate (in an internationally circulated language) stating that the applicant does not suffer from contagious diseases or other conditions incompatible with the future profession.

Enrolment in Master’s Studies

Graduates with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent to a similar duration for the respective specialization in Romania can apply, so that the first and second cycles cumulate a minimum of 300 ECTS.

The application file should be submitted directly to the faculty where the studies are to be continued and must contain the following documents:

a) The application form for the issuance of the acceptance letter for studies, completed in all sections, in two copies;

b) The baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent – copy and legalized translation;

c) The study document – a copy and a legalized translation – that allows access to the respective form of education (bachelor’s diploma or its equivalent);

d) Transcripts – copies and legalized translations – related to the completed studies;

e) Birth certificate – copy and legalized translation;

f) Passport copy – valid for at least 6 months after the date of issuance of the acceptance letter for studies;

g) Medical certificate (in an internationally circulated language) stating that the applicant does not suffer from contagious diseases or other conditions incompatible with the future profession.

Enrolment in Doctoral Studies

Only graduates with a master’s degree or its equivalent – specifically the graduation diploma or bachelor’s degree of long-term higher education graduates from the period before the implementation of the three Bologna cycles – can apply.

The application file should be submitted directly to the faculty where the studies are to be continued and must contain the following documents:

a) The application form for the issuance of the acceptance letter for studies, completed in all sections, in two copies;

b) The baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent – copy and legalized translation;

c) The study document – a copy and a legalized translation – that allows access to the respective form

of education (bachelor’s and master’s diploma, as applicable, or their equivalent);

d) Transcripts – copies and legalized translations – related to the completed studies;

e) Birth certificate – copy and legalized translation;

f) Passport copy – valid for at least 6 months after the date of issuance of the acceptance letter for studies;

g) Medical certificate (in an internationally circulated language) stating that the applicant does not suffer from contagious diseases or other conditions incompatible with the future profession.

After the selection process, for enrolment, admitted candidates will present the original documents from the application file, authenticated by the Romanian embassy in the issuing country or apostilled according to the Hague Convention, if the previous studies were not completed in Romania, an EU country, or according to legal assistance agreements concluded by Romania with third countries.

More details about the methodology for receiving third-country citizens

Methodology for receiving foreign citizens from non-EU countries in accredited state and private education in Romania

Methodology for receiving foreign citizens for studies and schooling starting with the academic year 2017-2018

Tuition fees are provided in ORDINANCE No. 22 of August 29, 2009, regarding the establishment of the minimum amount of tuition fees, in foreign currency, for citizens studying on their own account in

Romania, from countries that are not members of the European Union, as well as those that are not part of the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation.

Decree No. 22 / August 29, 2009 regarding the establishment of the minimum amount of tuition fees

Admission procedure for non-EU candidates

Admission procedure for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies for Ukrainian citizens in tuition-free places but with scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025


Studies in English 2025 Admission Brochure