The International Festival of Musical Performing Arts SCENA, organized by the INTERART Research and Artistic Creation Center of the “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music, took place from November 2-5, 2023. This edition was dedicated to the 19th century, with a particular focus on Romanticism. The festival’s events revolved around the piano—the favored instrument of composers from this era—and the theme of travel, whether geographical, imaginary, or symbolic, which served as a source of inspiration for the Romantics.
Thursday, November 2
11:00 AM / Vasile Herman Hall, AMGD
Festival Opening
Workshop by Paola Ranzini: De la tragédie au théâtre musical: Médée au XVIIe siècle (From Tragedy to Musical Theater: Medea in the 17th Century)
Workshop by Paolo Bosisio: The way of acting of the Comici dell’arte (The Acting Style of Commedia dell’Arte)
4:00 PM / Vasile Herman Hall, AMGD
- Symposium
Friday, November 3
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM / Room 16, AMGD
- Masterclass on Singing and Gestural Rhetoric with Claire Lefilliâtre (Session 1)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM / Room 16, AMGD
- Masterclass on Basso Continuo and Recitative with Stéphane Fuget (Session 1)
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM / Book Corner Librarium (Bd. Eroilor, no. 15)
Book Launch: Scena bolnavă by Philippe Beaussant, member of the French Academy, translated by Anca-Daniela Mihuț
(Guests: Prof. Dr. Ion Vartic; Prof. Dr. Anca Măniuțiu)Roundtable Discussion: The “Malstage” Syndrome in Contemporary Opera Direction (Moderator: Anca Mihuț)
Saturday, November 4
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM / Room 16, AMGD
- Masterclass on Singing and Gestural Rhetoric with Claire Lefilliâtre (Session 2)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM / Room 16, AMGD
- Masterclass on Basso Continuo and Recitative with Stéphane Fuget (Session 2)
4:00 PM / Room 16, AMGD
- Roundtable Discussion: The Role of Gestural Rhetoric in the Stage Performance of 17th-Century Lyrical Artists
(Guests: Claire Lefilliâtre, Vlad Crosman, Stéphane Fuget. Moderator: Anca Mihuț)
Sunday, November 5
11:00 AM / AMGD Concert Studio
- Workshop Demonstration with student participants from the masterclasses and workshops
7:00 PM / AMGD Concert Studio
- Festival Closing: Concert “L’ENTRETIEN DES MUSES”
- Performers: Claire Lefilliâtre (soprano), Vlad Crosman (baritone), Stéphane Fuget (harpsichord), Kaori Uemura (viola da gamba)
- Works by: J-B. Lully, M-A. Charpentier, C. Tessier, S. Le Camus, G. Bataille, M. Lambert, J. de Sainte Colombe le Fils, L. Couperin
- Claire Lefilliâtre – Lyrical Artist (FR)
- Stéphane Fuget – Lyrical Artist (FR)
- Vlad Crosman – Lyrical Artist (FR)
- Paolo Bosisio – Università Statale di Milano (IT)
- Paola Ranzini – Université d’Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse (IT/FR)
Project realized with the support of the Cluj County Council.
- Gheorghe Dima Music Academy
- Gheorghe Dima Music Academy Association
- Associate Professor Dr. Anca-Daniela Mihuț
- French Institute Cluj-Napoca
- Book Corner Librarium
- Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
- Erasmus+ Program