Public Services
Auditions and Viewings
Auditions and viewings for the teaching staff and students of the National Academy of Music
"Gheorghe Dima" are free of charge and can be conducted individually or collectively. Collective
viewings requested by the teaching staff take priority over individual ones. Each request shall not
exceed 5 titles per requester.
Due to lack of space and sufficient audio-visual equipment, students from the "Sigismund Toduță"
Music High School and other external persons do not benefit from auditions or viewings.
Loaning Conditions
Loans of CDs, DVDs, and audio equipment are only for the class hours of the current day and within
the premises of the National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima," against the signature of the
requesting teacher or student.
Magnetic tapes, audio cassettes, CDs, analogue video cassettes (VHS), DVDs, or audio and/or video
equipment are not loaned for home use or outside the National Music Academy "Gheorghe Dima."
Exceptions are made for example CDs!
Copying Services
Audio copies – CDs – as well as video copies – DVDs – are made against a fee, according to the rates
displayed for each category, within a one-week term, and not more than 5 titles per requester.
Copying of materials from the tape library is done only for educational purposes, in compliance with
the current legislation regarding Copyright and Related Rights.
No copies are made from vinyl records (LPs); the equipment available only serves the need for the
renewal/preservation of the Acoustic Studio's Tape Library.
Duplications/multiplications of materials owned by the teacher/student entail their exclusive
responsibility (Copyright, Related Rights, etc.).
Materials recorded within the National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" have the right to be
multiplied only if they meet the written consent of the artists (composers, performers, directors, etc.)
and other involved parties.
Institutional Use
The National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" may use audio and/or video recordings from
concerts/recitals/other artistic events or on request (special) in full or in part for educational
purposes or institutional promotion.
Approval for Recordings
Audio and/or video recordings from concerts/recitals/other artistic events or on request (special), as
well as sound systems, are made only based on requests approved by the head of the Acoustic Studio
service of the National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" at least 14 days before the event.
Return of Borrowed Materials
All materials borrowed from the Acoustic Studio (equipment, audio-video materials) must be
returned by 18:15 on the current day. The persons who sign the loan are responsible for them until
their return.
In exceptional cases, when there are classes after 18:00 or other activities requiring audio-video
examples, individuals must specify this and will be responsible for the requested devices and/or
audio-video materials until their return the next day at 8:00. They must also ensure they are stored in
a safe place until returned!
Negligence or loss of equipment and/or audio-video materials is sanctioned according to the norms
established by the Legal-Accounting Service. Additionally, the right to borrow audio-video materials
and/or equipment is suspended indefinitely.